This is our bread and butter, what were good at and what we will continue to be better at.
We take apart as much as required to get the job done, The Duration from start to finish averages 1.5 hours.
Ductless Heat Pump Deep Cleaning
Ductless Heat Pump Deep Cleaning
Please contact for pricing!
**Additional Charges Apply For Extra Inside Heads**
Indoor Unit:
- Remove, Clean, Sanitize and Install Plastic Shrouds and Covers
- Remove, Clean, Sanitize and Install Filters/Pre-filters
- Clean, Flush and Sanitize Indoor Coil unit
- Clean, Flush and Sanitize Drain Pan/Drain Line
- Clean, Flush and Sanitize Barrel wheel fan/Housing
- Clean and Inspect Sensors
- Apply Mold Prevention to all necessary areas
- Apply Deodorizer to all necessary areas
- Apply Drain Pan/ Drain line Blockage Prevention
- Remote Clean and Sanitize
Outdoor Unit:
- Clean and Flush Debris From Condensing unit Coil
- Clean and Flush Outdoor Thermostat/Housing
- Clean and Flush Pan/Drain Holes
- Clean Fan Guard and Housing
- Clean and Inspect Sensors
Drain Line:
- Clean and Flush Debris
- Sanitize and Apply Blockage prevention
Ducted Heat Pump Deep Cleaning
Ducted Heat Pump Deep Cleaning
Please contact for pricing!
Or special price for both Indoor and Outdoor Units. Please Inquire.
Indoor"A" Coil Unit :
- Clean, Flush and Sanitize "A" Coil Assembly
- Clean, Flush and Sanitize Drain Line/Condensate Pump
- Apply Mold Prevention to all necessary areas
- Apply Deodorizer to all necessary areas
- Apply Drain Pan/Drain Line Blockage Prevention
Outdoor Unit :
- Clean and Flush Debris From Coil Unit and Coil Guard
- Clean and Flush Pan/Drain Holes
- Clean Fan Guard and Housing of debris
*Additional charges may apply depending on difficulty gaining access to coils; Some indoor units require sheet metal panels to be cut to gain access*
Please send detailed pictures of inside unit and "A" Coil Access, only then can a quote for job be sent.